Davis Dolphin News

Dolphin Splash- Davis Elementary Principal’s News October 7, 2024

I hope you all enjoyed the 4-day weekend! We’ve got a full week this week, with plenty going on in and out of Davis classrooms. We are gearing up for fall parent/teacher conferences and are glad to have dedicated time for these valuable meetings on 10/14. We also are entering our eighth week of school (can’t believe it- time is flying), which means our first nine-weeks report cards are coming soon. There will be a change to the Davis report cards this year and I’ve included more information about these changes below.

Dolphin Splash- Davis Elementary Principal’s News- September 30, 2024

We’ve got a very short week this week, with school days Monday-Wednesday followed by student holidays Thursday-Friday. This week is Custodian Appreciation Week. Our custodial team works tirelessly to keep our campus clean and safe and we are excited to show Head Custodian Gina Ricks, Esther Marquez, and Eneida Rodriguez Gomez our appreciation for all they do!

Dolphin Splash- Davis Elementary Principal’s News- September 22, 2024

In addition to all of the great teaching and learning that will take place at Davis this week, we also get to show our appreciation for our Teaching Assistants! This includes 12 special education TAs, 2 PE TAs, and 2 PK TAs. They do so much to support our students and our campus as a whole and we look forward to showing them some extra love this week.

Dolphin Splash Principal's Newsletter- October 29, 2023

In this edition: Exploring Circuits in 5th Grade; Principal Coffee November 2- AVID, Project Lead the Way Launch; CAC Meeting November 2- Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) Progress Check, New AISD Enrollment System, Davis Report Cards, AISD Calendar 2024-2025, New Davis Website; Davis Way Awards: K-5

Dolphin Splash Principal's Newsletter- October 14, 2023

In this edition: Dolphin BOO Fest, Kindergarten Butterfly Migration, Human Sexuality & Responsibility (HSR) Lessons Orientation Slides, Davis Way Awards: K-5th, From the Handbook: Birthday Celebrations, AISD Mental Health and School Safety Community Conversations @ Anderson HS, Little Amal's

Dolphin Splash Principal's Newsletter- October 1, 2023

In this edition: FLEX Language Fall Newsletter, Principal Coffee- Human Sexuality & Responsibility Lessons Info, CAC Meeting, WatchD.O.G.S.

Dolphin Splash Principal's Newsletter- September 24, 2023

In this edition: Weekly Spirit Days, WatchD.O.G.S. Kickoff Meeting & Pizza Night, The Davis Way Awards 3rd-5th, From the Handbook: Cafeteria Meals & Procedures, AISD Textbook Nomination Committee Opportunity.

Dolphin Splash Principal's Newsletter- September 17, 2023

In this edition: Davis Family Culture Survey, Principal Coffee Dates & Topics, From the Handbook: Health/Illness, The Davis Way Awards K-2nd, Austin ISD Honor Stories, AISD Calendar Observances.

Dolphin Splash Principal's Newsletter- September 10, 2023

In this edition: Upcoming Parent/Teacher Conference Day, From the Handbook: Absences and Late Arrivals, Early Departures, Meet the Davis Administrators, Enroll Austin- New Enrollment System for 2024-2025 School Year.

Dolphin Splash Principal's Newsletter- September 3, 2023

In this edition: The Davis Way, Davis International Cookbook- We want your recipes!, September CAC Meeting, Meet Our Essential Areas Team, 2nd Grade GT Universal Screener.

Dolphin Splash Principal's Newsletter- August 26, 2023

In this edition: Back to School Night, Davis Campus Advisory Council (CAC), Davis Family Handbook,  Morning Meeting, AISD 2023-2024 Student Success Guide, School Breakfast and Lunch, School Safety and Security, Asbestos Management Plan Notification, Pest Control Notification, Raising Critical Thi